Monday, November 13, 2006

Strange May--5/2/2005

Hi all! As I'm sure most of you are aware, Strange Productions 27th annual May Day Pole Dancing Festival has drawn to a close. And oh how the poles were dancing . . .around . . .by many people! Every pole was freshly waxed before the event and it was worth it. You should have SEEN the way the dancers worked it!

OK, that's just too easy, but I had to make at least a few passing "pole" references. It was May Day, after all, the festival of fertility and crepe paper streamers wrapped around ground protrusions. But those types of jokes are in poor taste. Our Strange Productions Pole Dancing Festival has never been about the mythical, orgiastic gatherings by druids and witches and pixies and celts and krakens and suchlike (and, considering the staff at Strange Productions, it's best that the word "orgiastic" never works into ANY of our plans). For us the Festival has always been about good times, good friends and good dancing! Oh, and funny costumes (provided entirely by Kris and his extensive Renn. Faire wardrobe--thanks Kris!).

Now, onto the pictures. And I should apologize to anyone who was at the festival but wasn't included in the pictures. Shortly after the Festival ended, my digital camera fell unto the gaze of the mighty Medusa. Unfortunately, these were the only pictures I could salvage from the memory card, and they are OBVIOUSLY suffering from some sort of image distortions as well. Stupid Medusa.

Here's a picture of several of us prancing around the May Pole, having a gay old time! And I don't mean that as in gay gay, I mean happy gay. Though I'm sure there are plenty of gay gay undertones all over this picture. And who knows with some of you.

Here's Kris playing his instrument of choice, the Jew's Dulcimer. Unfortunately, Seamus, the fiddler filling in for Danny Boy, was a poor replacement and had a nasty tendency of scratching flat all the time. Poor Kris!

And here are our two May Queens, Pat and Cammi! Look at those fancy duds and fetching bosoms! Lovely! The voting for this year's Queen was so close that it ended up in a tie for the first time in Strange Productions history. As such, both winners will get to share the weekend getaway to the Appalachians. Be sure to take those outfits with you fellas, the folks up that way LOVE a little cultural diversity!

And here's Jon and Liz just prior to the lighting of the Strange Productions Burning Non-Gender Specific Human Being! What a blaze this cast! Who would have thought that a flaming, 90 foot tall papier-mâché hermaphrodite would be visible from space? But that's exactly what the good folks at NASA told us right before the Man came and hauled most of you away. Gotta stay quick on your feet, folks, that's what Pole Dancing is all about!

And, finally, here's a picture of our daintiest flower, Matt. Look how brave he looks even though death can only be a few heartbeats away. What a cruel prick Bacchus was to break Matt's neck like that. That's the last time we invite any gods to our shindigs! I don't care how highly recommended they are.

Well, that's it, people. I hope you fondly remember these good times as I always will, only with the aid of hypnotic suggestion.

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